sunshine and pink ponies

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

be still

semester two of each acedemic year always proves to be a lonely time for me. every one has pretty horrible timetables so i really don't have people to lunch with on school days. i'm quite resigned to the incoherence of schedules.

sometimes it gets a bit lonely. i haven't felt like this about school since year 1 sem 1. perhaps its cos i am starting to actually study again. haha its so sad that it has become almost impossible to find good friends in school other than those from ac or mg that i usually hang out with already. why is it so hard?!?! sobs.

my consolation tho, is that i spend more time alone in the stillness with God. plus, i am actually studying things i like. haha.

its about time.

ps. the ulcer on my tongue really hurts like mad. =(